
every film we create seeks to tell a story, we love making documentaries as they allows us to tell stories with honesty and flair

european institute of technology
university of reading
henley business school


In both educational and marketing contexts, documentaries have the potential to engage, educate, and inspire audiences through compelling storytelling and visually captivating content

the value of documentaries

‍documentaries can tell the story of a brand, product, or service in a genuine and authentic manner. this helps build trust and credibility with customers
authentic storytelling

‍documentaries can tell the story of a brand, product, or service in a genuine and authentic manner. this helps build trust and credibility with customers

critical thinking and analysis

documentaries often present different perspectives and viewpoints on a subject. this encourages viewers to critically analyze the information presented, evaluate the credibility of sources, and develop their own opinions

emotional connection

documentaries have the power to evoke emotions and create a strong emotional connection between the audience and the subject matter. this emotional resonance can lead to stronger brand loyalty and customer engagement

exposure to diverse perspectives

documentaries can introduce viewers to perspectives and experiences they might not encounter in their daily lives, broadening their understanding of the world and encouraging empathy‍


a well-made documentary can set a company apart from its competitors, showcasing unique aspects of its history, products, or services

Some of our faves.

"Privacy Ltd" is a brilliant short film that brings to life the key ethical concerns around Facial Recognition technology in a deeply relatable way. It is a must-see for anyone who cares about the present and future of our polity.
Dr Adeyinka Adewale
Associate Professor of Leadership Ethics and Entrepreneurship

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